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“Rejuvenating coffee farms and enabling sustainable production of green coffee.” 

Nescafe Plan project-Picture 1.jpg
Nescafe plan project picture 2.jpg

Location of the project

The project takes place in different coffee producing areas of Côte d’Ivoire (South, East, Center, West regions).

Purpose of the project

The aim of the interventions is to have coffee rejuvenated farms enabling a sustainable productivity of green coffee

Duration of the project

Since 2012.

Project target

25 cooperatives, 13,500 farmers


Rainforest Alliance and Nestlé

Project activities:  

  • Rejuvenation-pruning campaign and optimizing plant density

  • Follow-up training and coaching on agricultural practices.

  • Coaching of farmers in the preparation of step-by-step farm innovation plans, for all farmers implementing rejuvenation pruning.

  • Promotion of Improved organization of mixed cropping with trees.

  • Refreshment training for 4C verification and on coffee quality improvement